TELE-PETS (tele, in greek = far out) 7.34min 2006

Tele-pets is a research natured project I've started working with in 2006. The project evolves around the phenomenon

of  telepathy between animals and human beings. At the time being Tele-Pets consists of a video, a webpage  live events,

documentation in form of photographs, video footage and written reports.



The main character, an artist, discovers that she likes speaking to animals. She wants to find out about what the animals are thinking.

With the help of  telepathic communication she tries to talk to a dog,Texas. But the attempt is unsuccessful.

She does not give up and therefore starts collecting stories and evidence from people and from books.

She finds  stories ranging from parrots that see into peoples dreams to dogs coming to terms with their own death.

The video ends with a still image from a public event in a park. 



Tele-Pets has been shown in various festivals and venues.

It was shown in the XV Mänttä Art Festival FIN 2010 and Slippery Terrain at the Eastern Edge Gallery in St. johns New Foundland

Canada 2009.